Reading and its Principles

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Published Sep 9, 2002
Waleed Abu Ahmad


By the end of the 20th-c and the beginning of the 21st-c, and after 50 years of ongoing research in the science of reading and its principles and concepts, scientific research has finally managed to put its print on this term and on what actually goes in its orbit. In the last fifty years, and due to studies in different scientific fields such as Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Sociolinguistics, the term has undergone various drastic changes and interpretations.  Researchers have been able to interpret the reading process physiologically.  Researchers have also realized that the deep understanding of the term and the reading process entails a closer scrutiny of the psychological, social, physiological and linguistic aspects related to this process. A good understanding of the term also requires relating to other basic terms such as literacy, reading comprehension, speech and pronunciation.

            The objective of this research, therefore, is to provide the reader with a summary of the research findings in the field of reading and various related reading concepts.  It will also carefully examine the concept of reading, the process of reading, the various theories about reading, and the strategies the reader might use to read a certain text.  It further aims at defining the concepts and the process of writing, the concepts of literacy, reading comprehension and the concepts of speech and pronuciation.

How to Cite

Abu Ahmad, W. . (2002). Reading and its Principles. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 6((أ), 233–257. Retrieved from


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