A study in the share of the Moslems United in Intimacy as a Charity form the Treasure House: The Fiscal System in Islam

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Published Sep 9, 2002
Mahmood Omary


The Subject of Zakah (paying alms) as a pillar of Islam deserves a re-examining of newly developed matters, so that the new social concepts may fit the true teachings and rulings of Islam, especially in the light of the fact that Zakah committees and charity organizations started receiving alms from Moslems and try in return to distribute such Zakah among those who deserve it. According to the holy Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, there are eight different types of people who deserve this Zakah.  Some argue, however, whether the eight categories still exist in our society today. They also argue whether the shares of some can be abolished and given to others who deserve them more.  Some believe, for example, that the "united in intimacy" (Al-Mu'alafati quloobuhum) have simply ceased to exist due to the rapid spread of Islam and its passing through different stages.  Some theologians claim that their share has therefore been abrogated.  In this article I intend to bring this issue to the fore and to argue that some of the rulings can still be maintained in our days, even if the ostensible reason for their existence has disappeared.  Nowadays, one strongly feels the need to reconcile the hearts of the Moslems and to bring them closer to Islam in different means.  Such means can be financial, due to its impact on the souls of the needy.  Realistic theology dictates the change of some application in a way which can serve Isalm and the Moslems and give people what they actually deserve in line with the true teachings of Islam.                                                

How to Cite

Omary, M. (2002). A study in the share of the Moslems United in Intimacy as a Charity form the Treasure House: The Fiscal System in Islam. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, (6(ب), 118–136. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/818


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