The outsider characters in Ghàlib Halasà`s novel the Question



Published Sep 21, 2013
Fayyad Haibi


This article deals with the outsider character in general and with the female outsider character in particular in Ghàlib Halasà`s novel The Question in three different levels: social, political and sexual. Our case discussion shows that the distorted reality must lead to distorted social and political relationships, and these relationships lead naturally to distorted sexual actions which entrenched and reinforced the rooted otherness in reality. Thus these characters actually become the result of this distorted reality. It also shows that the female outsider character in particular, which settles the “slums” within the Egyptian society, has the ability to make the real change. This indicates the supposed change that should take place in reality

How to Cite

Haibi, F. . (2013). The outsider characters in Ghàlib Halasà`s novel the Question. AL-Majma, (7), 221–248. Retrieved from


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