Muslim Friday Sermon (Khutbat Al-Jum'a): Structure and Meaning

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Published Sep 9, 2002
. Ziad Zamil Abu-Mukh


This study points to the importance of the Muslim Friday Sermon and its ability to help others follow certain paths, form certain opinions, and moderate behaviour.  In order for this sermon to achieve its goals, we choose a speaker who masters the art of oration, a level of education, self-confidence, good manners, pleasing appearance, and other good qualities.  The subect of the sermon shoud be carefully selected, its elements should be neatly structured, and its purpose should be clearly stated.  Therefore, the colleges of Shari'a or Islamic law should adopt a responsible role in preparing mosque speakers well by making study plans in the science of oration, or the art of delivering speeches.  These colleges should choose teachers who have mastered the art of oration, and who can develop the oratory qualities of their sudents, giving them the opportunity to train delivering his sermons most effectively.  The colleges should also engage themselves in both theoretical and field research in order to know the conditions of sermons and speakers in the mosques in the Arab sector.  They should be able to measure the influence the sermon has on Muslims in their area and how such sermons can help advance the behavioral and the cognitive levels of the people.  The study includes ten recommendations addressed to the speakers of the mosques

How to Cite

Abu-Mukh, . Z. Z. . (2002). Muslim Friday Sermon (Khutbat Al-Jum’a): Structure and Meaning. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, (6(ب), 79–102. Retrieved from


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