The Wise King

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Published Aug 9, 2004
Faruq Mawasi


Fiction includes stories which are saturated with the phenomenon of “strangeness”or“anomaly”.  These stories also include anecdotes which are highly controversial. Understanding the message is basic for dealing with the story or narrative. Stories with symbolic or fantasy plots make the challenges even greater. In this article Dr. Faruq Mawasi will examine the message of “The Wise King” by Jubran Khaleel Jubran (1883-1931).

The main question is:

Was the king really wise when he gave in to the demand of his people who became mad (after drinking from the well which was bewitched)? Was the author of the story making fun of such “wisdom” by indicating the defeat of the king in the confrontation with his people? This is an actual question in light of the differences among teachers who actually teach this story. The researcher shows that the king was wise when he followed in the footsteps of his people and met their desire.

How to Cite

Mawasi, F. . (2004). The Wise King. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 8, 313–326. Retrieved from


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