The Internet as a Source of Islamic and Arabic History of Mathematics

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Published Sep 9, 2002
Wajeeh Daher


In the last decades, the attention of the mathematics education researchers have been drawn to the history of mathematics; how and when to integrate it in the mathematics classroom in order to change the negative or neutral attitude of the student to more positive one.

Integrating the Islamic and Arabic history of mathematics in the mathematics classroom in the Arabic society will have a significant effect because of the special place of the Moslem and Arabic history of mathematics in the history of mathematics.

It is expected that the Arab student will change its attitude to a more positive one when he is introduced, through mathematics lessons, to the Moslem and Arabic mathematics. He will also change his view of mathematics from a theoretical and abstract subject to a subject that can be applied to every day life or at least that can be used in different scientific fields.

Now, in the age of the Internet, every teacher, who has Internet connection in his classroom, can go to the Internet for resources about his history of mathematics, in order to bring them to his students. This research provides, for the teachers of mathematics who want to integrate the history of mathematics in their lessons, important resources, in Arabic and English. It also the properties of the introduced sites and points at possible research directions.

How to Cite

Daher, . W. . (2002). The Internet as a Source of Islamic and Arabic History of Mathematics. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 6((أ), 214–232. Retrieved from


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