שיח אקדמי בין סטודנטיות במסלול לגיל הרך ממכללת אלקאסמי וממכללת סמינר הקיבוצים סביב תפקיד המורה\ הגננת בבית הספר\ הגן בחברה רבת פערים חברתיים ותרבותיים

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Published Feb 4, 2008
Jamal Abu Huseen Milka Rozenfild Hala Habaieb


This study revolves around an educational initiative which aims at developing a multicultural academic dialogue among female students at both Al-Qasemi and Siminar Hakibutzeem Colleges.

Research literature has pointed out that such meetings are very important, because they help change attitudes (Care Mier, Zool).

The main goal of the initiative is to examine how this academic dialogue can impact the effective, cognitive and social domains among the female participants.

Data gathered from interviews were analyzed qualitatively. Fifty students participated in this initiative divided evenly between Al-Qasemi and Siminar Hakibutzeem. They met for six concentrated days, three days in each college.

They worked as in pairs and conducted social and academic activities. The findings indicate clearly that these meetings have positive impact. The findings of the study are particularly important to educated and good citizens who aim at respecting the different other.

How to Cite

Abu Huseen, J. ., Rozenfild , M. ., & Habaieb, H. (2008). שיח אקדמי בין סטודנטיות במסלול לגיל הרך ממכללת אלקאסמי וממכללת סמינר הקיבוצים סביב תפקיד המורה\ הגננת בבית הספר\ הגן בחברה רבת פערים חברתיים ותרבותיים. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 12, 190–238. Retrieved from https://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/639


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