Vol. 20 No. 2 (2017): أبحاث في العلوم التربوية والاجتماعية

Published: 17-09-2017


Assessment of Mental Disability and Cultural - Psychological Considerations

Badeea al-Qashaeli
Abstract 31 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 39

Page 1-20

The Reality of Using Project-Based Learning in Government Schools from Science Teachers' Perspectives in Jenin Governate

Abdel-Ghani Hamdi Abdullah Saifi , Osama Mohammad Anees Zyoud
Abstract 30 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 36

Page 59-94

The Dissemination of Social Peace Culture from a Community Perspective

Aziz Samaan Deam
Abstract 31 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 29

Page 95-138

Emotions of Tenth Grade Students When Learning the Odd Function: A Cultural-Historical Semiotic Analysis

Hanadi Naalweh, Wajeeh Daher
Abstract 56 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 59

Page 175-208

The Good Teacher from the Viewpoint of Gifted Students in the Arab Community

Ganat Hammud
Abstract 23 | pdf (עברית) Downloads 37

Page 209-242

Attitudes of Arab Counselors towards Student Confidentiality

Ganat Hammud, Hiba Taha
Abstract 28 | pdf (עברית) Downloads 36

Page 243-272