Vol. 6 No. (ب) (2002): أبحاث في العلوم التربوية والاجتماعية

Published: 08-11-2002


Islamic Preaching : Its Meaning and Topics

Ahmad Qa'adan
Abstract 16 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 10

Page 1-29

Seventy Seven Legal and Educational Benefits of one Hadith

Tawfeeq Omar Siyyadi
Abstract 14 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 10

Page 30-61

Legal Decisions Related to Still-born Embryos

Khaled Mahmood
Abstract 22 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 12

Page 62-78

Muslim Friday Sermon (Khutbat Al-Jum'a): Structure and Meaning

Ziad Zamil Abu-Mukh
Abstract 17 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 11

Page 79-102

Friday Prayer

Fa'ida Abu-Mukh
Abstract 19 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 15

Page 103-117