מטרות והיקף

 Jami’a invites researchers worldwide from across the fields of education and social sciences to submit rigorous, original, theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and comparative articles that focus on topics pertinent to sociology, philosophy, and psychology of education, in addition to teacher training in religious, linguistic, scientific, and mathematics education. The journal is open to all aspects of theoretical and methodological approaches (thematic and methodological reviews, theoretical and empirical articles, or meta-analyses) in all fields of education, including quantitative and qualitative studies. Furthermore, the journal publishes articles within the realm of educational processes at all levels and issues related to the

community of teachersstudents, parents, and school staff, in addition to articles pertaining to the relationship between school and community, non-formal education, early childhood education, special education, values education, educational leadership, evaluation of curricula, and teaching methods. Al-Jamma also welcomes submissions concerned with the role of the school as a promoter of social justice and tolerance in a democratic, multicultural, and modern society.