The good teacher from the perspective of students and teachers

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Published Sep 14, 2018
Wijdan Asad Younis Khaled abu Asbeh


Many teachers join the education system every year, and as we know most of
them are not good enough. However, the profession of teaching needs qualified
people who have the internal motivation in order to reach the required quality
and excellence.
Teachers have a sacred and honest message, and without them, there is neither
learning nor education, so they are the basis of the whole process. The profession
they have chosen is fundamental and important in the progress of development
and success of the entire society.
Teachers are supposed to leave a good and beautiful impact on their students
although the curriculum is not good enough. They must have abilities,
qualifications, characteristics and skills that differentiate them from others.
Because of the importance of teachers in the educational process, they need
special preparation and specific rehabilitation programs that are carefully studied
and supervised by specialized institutions. Previously, teachers were responsible
of teaching the generations, but the rapid developments and changes that the
society witnesses have also changed the role of the teacher. Therefore, teachers
have become a mere mediator to transfer knowledge and information to their
However, there are several studies that have investigated the topic of the good
teacher; few of them have studied it from the perspective of both students and
teachers. The research questions are: (a) who is the good teacher from the
students' perspective? and (b) who is the good teacher from the teachers’
The study has adopted the quantitative approach. It has used a questionnaire that
has been used in an article in the Hebrew language and it is translated into Arabic by the first author of the article. The questionnaire has 26 paragraphs that were
used for students and teachers. They focus on the aspects of creativity and
thinking styles, methods of teaching and the subject they teach, principles and
values related to the attention and assistance and appreciation of students,
leadership, participation and completion. The questionnaire was answered by 70
students in the seventh grade in junior schools in the triangle area and 70 teachers
in junior schools in the same area.
The results of the study partially supported the first hypothesis and indicated that
there are no significant differences in the characteristics of the good teacher from
the students’ perspective attributed to gender except the title of "creativity and
thinking styles."
There are no significant differences in the qualities of the good teacher from the
teachers’ perspective attributed to gender, so the second hypothesis was not
confirmed. The third hypothesis was also not verified because the results
indicated that there are no significant differences in the qualities of the good
teacher from the teachers’ perspective attributed to age

How to Cite

Younis, W. A. ., & abu Asbeh, K. . (2018). The good teacher from the perspective of students and teachers. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 21(2), 51–78. Retrieved from


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