The Immigration to Abyssinia: A New Interpretation

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

الشريط الجانبي للمقالة

منشور أيلول 14, 2009
Fawaz Mansour


In this paper, I will give an extended study dealing with a significant event
which took place in early Islam. This event, called “The Immigration to
Abyssinia”, took place in 615. I will attempt to pinpoint some questions and
problems concerning this event which need to be answered, taking into
consideration various scholars’ opinions, their interpretations of these
questions, and on which basis they built their theories. I will attempt to
introduce a new interpretation of some of these problems, and hence, to refute
some previous theories.

كيفية الاقتباس

Mansour, F. (2009). The Immigration to Abyssinia: A New Interpretation. جامعة - أبحاث في العلوم التربوية والاجتماعية, 13, 57–63. استرجع في من


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