The Impact of Jigsaw, Concept Map, and Concept Cartoon Teaching Strategies on Enhancing Student' Academic Achievements in Science Education Course at Najah National University

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Published Sep 21, 2014
بلال ابو عيدة عبد الكريم ايوب


This study aimed at investigating the impact of three teaching strategies, particularly concept cartoons, Jigsaw, and concept map. The study identified two main questions: what is the impact of using concept cartoon, Jigsaw, and concept map on students’ academic achievement? And is there any significant difference between students’ academic achievement related to the use of a particular teaching method? The study sample consisted of 48 students randomly selected. The subject matter (science) was divided into three main parts, each part was taught in one of the three teaching strategies. The study tools were three main achievement tests, each test was designed after a thorough analysis to the content it measures and after designing a table of specification for that content.

The results revealed a positive impact on students’ achievement in favour of the experimental group. The study also revealed that concept cartoon strategy had the greatest effect among the three teaching strategies used. Finally, the study recommended the use of constructivist teaching strategies, and to use the concept cartoon in teaching science education course.

How to Cite

ابو عيدة ب. ., & ايوب ع. ا. (2014). The Impact of Jigsaw, Concept Map, and Concept Cartoon Teaching Strategies on Enhancing Student’ Academic Achievements in Science Education Course at Najah National University. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 18(1), 31–52. Retrieved from


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