Comparing between the Socio-Emotional Aspects of Arab Students in Regular Education, Special Education, and Integrated Education

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Published Sep 12, 2021
Ihab Zubeidat Waleed Dallasheh Sehrab Masri



The current study compares between the socio-emotional aspects of Arab students who attend regular education, special education, and integrated education. More specifically, the study examines (a) differences in students’ social aspects (sense of social loneliness, social competence, and friendship) and emotional aspects (sense of coherence, emotional stability, and test anxiety), as well as (b) the relationship between these aspects and the three educational frameworks that students are enrolled in. The research questions are the following: (a) Are there any differences in terms of socio-emotional aspects between ordinary students who attend regular education, students with specific learning disorders who attend special education, and students who attend integrated education? And (b) what is the relationship between students’ socioemotional aspects and the form of education they attend? Participants were approximately 229 students (85 attending regular education, 79 attending special education, and 65 attending integrated education). Most of the students who have specific learning disorders (144 in total) are from the northern Arab society. Students were asked to answer self-report questionnaires assessing the aforementioned socio-emotional aspects. The findings indicate significant differences between the three groups of students in terms of their sense of coherence, sense of social loneliness, emotional stability, social competence, and friendship. However, there were no significant differences found in terms of test anxiety among students in the three educational frameworks. The findings also جامعة، اݝݨلد 24 العدد 1 (2021)، صفحة 149 indicate a significant relationship between the various socio-emotional aspects in the three frameworks mentioned. In addition, the study found that students in special education tend to develop a sense of social loneliness more than students in regular educations. These findings were compared with the findings found in the literature on this topic, especially as some of them found no significant differences between the general population and students with specific learning disabilities in terms of socio-emotional aspects.

How to Cite

Zubeidat, I. ., Dallasheh, W. ., & Masri , S. . (2021). Comparing between the Socio-Emotional Aspects of Arab Students in Regular Education, Special Education, and Integrated Education . Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 24(1), 117–149. Retrieved from


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