The relationship between parent’s education, their socio-economic status, their school involvement and pupil high school dropout in the Arab Israeli society

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Published Sep 14, 2018
Ihab Zubeidat Nagat Murad Waleed Dallasheh


One of the most dangerous behaviors that characterize young pupils is school
dropout. School dropout had started since the first school was opened, so
education professionals are worried about this problem. The aim of this research
is to test the relationship between parent’s education, their socio-economic
status, their school involvement and high school pupils’ dropout in the Arab
Israeli society. The study hypothesis focuses on the relationship between parents
education, parents socio-economic status and parents school involvement, and
pupil dropout 158 pupils of the tenth and eleventh grades participated in this
research. All the participants are from an Arab village in the North. They
answered a questionnaire that consists of three sections: demographic details,
dropout tendency questionnaire, and parent’s involvement measure according to
pupil’s perception. This research is a quantitative correlational research based on
quantitative data collected by quantitative questionnaires. Research data was
statistically processed and analyzed. The conclusions can be generalized for a
wider population. Current research findings indicate that there is a significant
negative correlation between parents’ education, their socio-economic status,
their school involvement and pupils’ tendency to high school dropout. All the
hypotheses were fully confirmed. The research conclusion is that Arab pupils’
tendency to dropout is related to three major factors: parent’s education, their
socio-economic status, and their school involvement. Thus, educators should make sure to take into account these three factors in building intervention
programs to prevent school dropout of students who are at risk. Moreover, it
seems that school dropout is a severe phenomenon which has its critical
consequences not only on pupil’s life for the short term, but worse, for the long

How to Cite

Zubeidat, I. ., Murad, N. ., & Dallasheh, W. . (2018). The relationship between parent’s education, their socio-economic status, their school involvement and pupil high school dropout in the Arab Israeli society. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 21(2). Retrieved from


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