No. 13 (2018): أبحاث في اللغة العربية والأدب والفكر

Published: 08-10-2018


The narrative and drama tendency in contemporary Arab poetry

Athar Haj Yahya
Abstract 40 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 21

Page 1-34

Fairness in the predecessors’ quarrel with Almawla Tashkibri Zadah: Explication and Inquiry

Omar Yūsuf ʿAbd al-Ghanī Hamdan
Abstract 37 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 20

Page 165-198

Language Levels in “Ikhtayyah” novel by Emile Habibi

Nasser Ya’qub
Abstract 39 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 52

Page 233-253

The relation between form and content in the novel “By the Beaches of Travel”

Haya Fardawi
Abstract 37 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 18

Page 255-272

The linguistic adaptation in “Damascus the Fires” by Zakaria Tamer

Yosra Harabi
Abstract 37 | pdf (العربية) Downloads 17

Page 273-296

Employment of the Oxymoron in the Traditional Poem and the Modern Prose Poem

Rima Abu Jaber-Baranasi
Abstract 37 | pdf Downloads 21

Page 299-328